Monday, May 4, 2009


lol catalog and pay stuff. go to and see da cheats. i got my pay check for secret agent but not tour guide o well. ANYWAY... im not a cpg mod but i will try! well mimo say he havin a party so get ready! thers also this army called the CPGA plz join it the site is plz plz u throws snowbalss n stuff its FUN FUN FUN! plz join it! lol.. play sneak peek on the cp might be a viking thingy and GUESS WHAT? its on da same day as the medival PARTY! WOOT! lol the party is friday if u forgot and i think i will get a new author...

1 talking crackers:

Mrpengiewin said...

hey cool site juh if you want, we can put it on the CPGA blogroll... THX for bringin in other people and um... just comment on the CPGA site asking to be on the blogroll to get on the blogroll...


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